start transforming your smile
Let us help you smile
Start with a risk-free, no cost appointment to see how our doctors can help improve your smile with Invisalign. By taking pictures and digital scans of your teeth, Dr. Pawelski & Dr. Johnson will generate a custom treatment plan to show what results are possible before you ever have to commit.
We will guide you through the process with visits every few weeks to check your progress and give the next batch of aligners. In-treatment appointments are quick and easy, getting you back to your life faster.
Once your treatment is completed and you love your outcome, our team will order your retainers. Don’t worry, there is no extra cost!
Make yourself stand out.
Express 10
Jason had braces as a kid but forgot to wear his retainers in college. 10 short weeks in Invisalign and his smile was perfect, again!
Comprehensive Case
Josie always wanted to straighten her teeth but braces weren’t in the budget when she was younger. She decided to invest in herself and now has the smile of her dreams!